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Officer Spotlight

Kelly Lo

Enrichment Coordinator


Class of 2018

What are your hobbies? I really really love photography and drawing. Whenever I'm stressed out or just down, I would just go look for some drawing or photography accounts and that would usually calm me down. It's really relaxing to draw or just go outside and take photos. There's just something about those two hobbies that really calms me down and makes me happy. I also love just sitting around and listening to music. I get really get into the mood of the music. I don't mind just wasting a few hours just listening to music. During that time, I also get to reflect over life and think about things, it's like a relax and self-reflection time for me. Music is also kind of my motivation to get things done. I feel like it pushes me to finish tasks and without that music, I tend to get off task easily.

How did you find out about Leadership? I actually found out about internship through browsing around the Heart in Motion site, which might sound kind of weird and creepy. I was super new to Heart in Motion. I've only been to two events actually and wanted to see what else they had and I saw the internship tab. I looked further into it and it seemed super fun and useful so I planned to apply when the applications opened up in the summer, and I applied! I also saw that my friends were tagged in some of their photos posted on Facebook and it looked super cool.

Why did you join Leadership? Similar to the previous question, I applied because it seemed really fun and exciting. I planned to spend my summer volunteering, but I did not really know where to do it at. Heart in Motion came in and it was a perfect opportunity. Since the applications for internship were also open, I applied for that as well. They provided a simple and easy way for me to sign up for events. They also provided a very useful internship where I learned many useful skills that I am very grateful for.

What is the most valuable skill you have gained from Leadership?

I think one of the most valuable skill I've gained from Leadership is my speaking skills. I know it sounds weird and such, but I feel like Leadership really helped me boost my confidence in speaking and talking. Before I joined leadership, I would be very scared to speak up. It would take a lot of courage for me to present a project in class or just to speak to a customer service over the phone. I would get really nervous. I would always get sweaty palm (I know, gross.) and sometimes even a stomach ache. With all those calling, messaging, and talking to people, I feel like it improved A LOT. I don't mind speaking up now. I feel confident whenever I have to speak up in class. (Just give me like 5 minutes to prepare.) I'm very grateful for this skill that I've gained from Leadership.

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