Intern Spotlight

Michelle Feng
Summer '20 B Intern
Lowell High School
Class of 2022
What website do you visit most often?
Some apps I use a lot are Netflix, Canva, and Clash but my most used app is Instagram. With its variety of features to make posts, talk with friends, and promote business, Instagram definitely takes up most of my screen time. Though I don’t post a lot about myself, I do run 4 accounts for clubs and organizations, which can take up a lot of time. My favorite feature on Instagram is being able to find mutual friends and dming friends.
Who inspires you to be the person you are today?
My parents inspire me to become the person I am. Friends come and go but my parents have been there for me all my life and I appreciate them very much. I look up to my mom because she is selfless in the way that she cares for our family. My dad inspires me to take risks and learn from experiences.
Beside necessities, what is the one thing you cannot live one day without?
I absolutely can not live without music. Music hypes me up to start my day and calms me down after an exhausting day. I also occasionally get motion sickness so listening to music on the road makes me less dizzy. The type of music I listen to purely depends on my mood, let me know your favorites!
If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what rule would you make?
If I could make a rule, it would be “no cheating”. From something as small as no cheating on tests to something as big as framing someone for a crime, cheating is something that makes people frustrated and disappointed. If life was fair and square, people would be more satisfied when they accomplish something and less feelings will be hurt.
What motivates you to wake up early to volunteer for a Charity Run?
Trust me when I say that I am not a morning person, but something about waking up and knowing you are going to have a fun and productive day does the job. One thing I love about doing community service is that you get to meet new friends and help out your community at the same time. It is a very rewarding experience and I am looking forward to going to events when the pandemic clears.
What do you think of HIM Internship Program?
I think the Internship Department has grown a lot since the beginning of the year. I love how there are more roles and a bigger community supporting new interns. From being an intern to helping teach new interns, I think I have learned various skills. Some include multitasking, leadership, and effective communication.