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Volunteer Spotlight

Kenton Liu


A.P. Giannini

Class of 2021

If you became invisible for 10 minutes RIGHT NOW, what things would you do?

If I became invisible for 10 minutes right now, I will go to the nearest grocery market and gets essential items for the homeless and all people in need. I will get as many things I can get and put it in a truck. When the truck is all full, I will deliver it to food banks and homeless on the streets. If I have more time, I will also pick up some food for myself and have a good meal afterward.

If you have the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be? Why?

If I had the power to change one thing in the world, it would be making plants and trees grow very fast. There is less oxygen on the Earth caused by factories that produce lots of carbon dioxide and natural disasters like fire, therefore by planting more trees and plant, we can make up for the oxygen loss. If I could grow more trees and plants, there will be more natural resources for humans and will make the world a better place overall. It would be ideal to live in a clean and more sustainable environment.

What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend?

My ideal way to spend the weekend is first to wake up anytime I want. Then I would want to play video games all day, eat lots of junk food. It would be better if no one bothers me at that time.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?

If I could eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be noodles soup because there is different types of noodles, meats, soup base, and vegetable, so I wouldn't get bored of the same flavor. I could always mix and match the ingredients and eat a variety of noodle soup in my lifetime.

If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have?

If all the jobs had the same pay and hour, I would work as chef because it is cool to make good food every day.

What motivates you to wake up early to volunteer for a Charity Run?

I am motivated to wake up early to volunteer for charity runs knowing that I am able to make new people. I like it when I am able to help others as it somehow feels like I am rewarding myself.

Which event did you most look forward to? Did it live up to expectations?

The event I look most forward to was the SF marathon because it was my first event and the event I could work with my sister Kelly. Yes, it lived up to my expectations because I met a lot of new people and had a great time.

How has your experience been working with HIM?

So far, my experience working with HIM is refreshing and exciting. There, I am welcome by the officers and enjoyed my time volunteering. I am able to see that my service makes a difference when I am able to help someone. I look forward to going to more events after quarantine is over.

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