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Intern Spotlight

Kelly Wu

Summer '20 Intern

Galileo High School

Class of 2023

What website do you visit most often?

A website I visit most often is YouTube because it's a good way to explore and learn more. It is also a good website to watch movies, anime, and dramas to cure my boredom. But I mostly spend my time watching cooking/baking videos and investing videos on YouTube because I love food. And I want to make more money to buy more food.

Who inspires you to be the person you are today?

A friend of mines that I recently met during quarantined inspired me to be the person I am today. This person has also given me the courage to join Heart In Motion and to participate more. They may not know this, but they have a very positive influence on me as a person because I never imagine myself to join an organization like HIM since I didn't believe that I would ever be able to do it. But I gave it a shot and realized that it's not as bad as I thought. My time at Heart In Motion has been very enjoyable and have met some really nice people. I hope I can continue to enjoy my time, change, and learn more from HIM.

Where would you spend all your time if you could?

I would spend all of my time with my friends in a place where it has warm summers and snowy winters. Because warm summers mean I can go to the beach, play, and enjoy the sun. And snowy winters mean that I can play in the snow and have a fireplace to make some smores. But I'm not sure where that place would be.

What is the one thing people misunderstand about you?

One thing people say they misunderstood about me when we first met is that they thought I was scary or intimidating. Perhaps because of my facial expressions or my rest face. But when people get to know me and understand me I am not as intimidating or scary. Possibly sometimes, when I am angry or in a bad mood, but it is pretty unlikely.

What would you do if you knew you were going to die in one hour?

If I knew I would die in one hour I would eat as much food as possible with my friends. I would go to one of those street food markets and try everything. I would eat Mexican, Italian, American, Chinese, Thai, Vitmenase, and Japanese Food. And then die peacefully with no regrets.

Beside necessities, what is the one thing you cannot live one day without?

I cannot live one day without my phone. It's the only way I can contact my friends and those who are precious to me. But also because I need it for everything I do. Like my schedule, learning/education, work, internship, when I'm bored, when I need help with something, just anything in general. I need my phone at least near me so when I need help I can access it. I get anxious and fidgety if I don't have it on me or don't know where it is.

If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what rule would you make?

If I could make one rule that everyone had to follow, the rule would be to be kind to everyone and especially the people around you. I would make this a rule because I think it's important to be kind to the people around you no matter what. And also because being kind means caring for others which makes other people want to care for you as well. And eventually, each individual will be cared for no matter of status or class. This shouldn't be a rule since everyone should be spreading kindness regardless of whether this is a rule or not.

What motivates you to wake up early to volunteer for a Charity Run?

I haven't been to a Charity Run yet since I just recently joined. And also because all of the events are either canceled or suspended during this pandemic. But one thing that would motivate me to wake up early for a Charity Run is knowing that I would be able to help my community out or help anyone out in any way I possibly can. I think that would motivate me most when it comes to volunteering for events because the feeling of being able to help others is rewarding.

How has HIM affected your life so far?

So far, HIM has made me more productive during quarantined and keeping my brain running. Because during quarantine I feel like I get lazier when I don't have my responsibilities from work and summer school anymore. HIM has also helped me interact with my friends from school more often because of the Instagram and FB Like Challenge. It made me reach out to my close friends that I haven't been talking to since quarantined and friends who I haven't talked to in a long time. It has improved my social life, which is especially important during this pandemic because it is critical to keep interacting with people during this time.

What do you think of HIM Internship Program?

From my few weeks of experience in HIM I think this program is a very beneficial program for the interns and it's members in the long run. Because just from my few weeks of being in the HIM Internship Program, I've learned some new tools on Excel and Adobe Reader. And also practicing my communication skills by calling and interacting with Officers within HIM. I believe this program will help me and all the other members and interns to develop a lot of useful skills for the future and allows us to meet and interact better with other people.

If life is a game, like some people say, what are some of the rules?

If life is a game, some of the rules would be to never give up no matter what comes at you because life will keep throwing things at you. If you want to survive you have to pull through somehow. Another rule is to keep going, keep struggling, and keep making mistakes because you will gain more knowledge and be one step closer to what you want to achieve in the future. Also, follow the laws or you will be punished. Another rule in life is to treat people the way you want to be treated because if you treat someone bad you should expect to be treated badly. But if you treat someone with kindness, they will also be kind to you.

What do you want to be remembered for?

I want to be remembered for being helpful to everyone and to my community. One of the reasons I joined HIM was to have the chance to provide service to my community and help in any way I can. I also want to be remembered for being kind to the people I work with and the people I interact with because I want others to treat me the way I treat them. And mostly, I want to be remembered for the memories I share with each individual I interact with because each memory shared with each person is different and special in their own ways.

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