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Officer Spotlight

Angela Sio

Internship Specialist


Class of 2018

What are your hobbies?

I enjoy volunteering with Heart in Motion. I know that all of you that are reading right now are like wow... Of course you would say that when l look at you, you look like you go to every event . President this year I heard ? Well honestly I don't know if I deserve it but I do put my heart into what I do. I may not tell those who are doing wrong at events to stop but I have always believed that if I'm doing something correctly people should do the same. I have always believed that respect is earned. All I do is scream and act crazy but it's to put things at ease. But I know when to stop and so should all those who fool around. Any how off topic but I love love love volunteering. It's my escape.

How did Heart In Motion impact your life?

Without Heart in Motion, I wouldn't have met the most amazing and supportive people. I have break downs and issues that are small compared to other people. I wouldn't be confident. I wouldn't be able to act crazy and be accepted. Middle school wasn't the best. There was a lot of drama. I would be scared out of my mind. I would be just another girl wandering the halls but I met people from Washington, Lincoln, Lowell, SOTA and so many other schools. I joined leadership and made my first sophomore friend from Balboa that was like Senpai. I had a bathroom selfie. I felt a part of a family. Someone actually believes in the abilities I never thought I had.

How did you find out about Leadership?

Ms. Dy and Sean. Ms. Dy was like your Angela. You should join leadership and then get into the details. I was persuaded but was still unsure. Then Sean talked to me and told me "You needs a friend to not be lonely." So I asked Bella.

Why did you join Leadership?

I joined leadership because I was intrigued by what both Ms.Dy and Sean said.

Why do you think you were chosen for this spotlight?

I am fabulous. Yes little conceited but it's true.

What is one of your favorite memories or events from HIM?

There were so many. Starting April one year. It was a hot nice day for a car wash . it was also the most amazing birthday party despite the fact that nine others soaked her in water and creamed her. Ever since that day, we keep laughing at that video. These girls I've met made me laugh, cry,and scream from both excitement and anger. They are like my sisters. They are everything to me. Without them I will not make it here today to tell you all to take a leap of faith. Be yourself and if people don't love who you are right now, the you is what you think truly are.

What is the most valuable skill you have gained from Leadership?

Love :) Compassion :) Everything that I need to be a leader. I am able to stand up for myself and speak my mind. I am able to rant about my issues and have amazing advice that I don't necessarily always follow.

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