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Volunteer Spotlight

Yared Beltran



Class of 2019

How has community service impacted your life?

Community service impacted my life by making me more confident and assertive when it comes to interacting with people. I am a very shy and quiet person but when I discover this program I learned to go up to people and actually talk or try to answer questions. I learned very quickly that this was something I wanted to do and I'm always so happy to help someone out whether I'm volunteering or out doing something else and someone needs help. Community service has taught me that not everything will go smoothly so sometimes you will need to be prepared to help or deal with it in some ways.

When did you start volunteering with Heart In Motion?

I started volunteering with Heart In Motion on my second semester of high school as a freshman. I was unable to go to other events that happen during that time because of extracellular activities I had after school or on weekends. Until summer came I went to many events and each event was enjoyable.

Why did you start volunteering with HIM?

I started volunteering with HIM because one of my friends Corie Chen invited me to join and here I am.

What is one of your favorite memories or events from HIM?

Honestly all of the events I went to were my favorites because I just really like to help others especially the marathons. Just watching and handing out medals, water, and food to the people who seem to do what most people deem as impossible just inspire me.

How has your experience been working with HIM?

My experience working with HIM was very professional even if I wasn't. The people in this program have so much patience and work so hard to make sure we have a fun and successful experience with the events we go to. They encourage us to go to as many events as we can and I'm glad to go to almost all of them. I grateful that the officers put time in making post, going to the meeting place earlier then they should, reminding volunteers about many things.

What are your favorite hobbies?

My favorite hobbies are mostly running, drawing, reading, and I guess volunteering if that counts as a hobby. Running is one of my top favorite hobbies because I really like to improve on times and it's quite the stress reliever for me personally. Drawing and reading I barely manage to do anymore but when I do it's really relaxing to just think of creative things to draw and reading has always been my thing to do if I can't run because of an injury. Volunteering has kinda become a daily if there's events available and I would just quickly sign up.

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