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Volunteer Spotlight


Marc Aronce



Class of 2020

How has community service impacted your life?

Community service has impacted my life in several positive ways, such as getting to know and interacting with more people. Another way would be knowing that I gave back to my community. I began volunteering with my mom all the way back in 7th Grade at the Excelsior Food Pantry and was glad to be helping other people and seeing other people smile. Overall, I think of community service as a way of making a positive difference on another person's life.

Why did you start volunteering with HIM?

I knew that my sister always enjoyed volunteering in various different kinds of organizations during her time in high school, so I decided to follow in her footsteps. In addition, I thought it would an amazing way to spend the weekend helping other people and giving back to the community instead of always being in my room all day long. I also thought that Heart in Motion was an absolutely amazing organization that focused on what I enjoy most with my community; volunteering from the heart. I joined Heart in Motion on September 8th, 2016 and I don't think I'll stop volunteering anytime soon.

What is one of your favorite memories or events from HIM?

Out of the four events I volunteered at so far, the Hot Chocolate Marathon had be one of my favorite events to spend my early Sunday morning at. Yes I had to wake up early and had to deal with the rain but it paid off because I got to drink a ton of hot chocolate there. I also enjoyed seeing the runners smiling and and content after providing them with their finisher mugs full of marshmallows, chocolate fondue, and, of course, the hot chocolate.

Which events did you enjoy the most? Why?

Other than the Hot Chocolate Marathon, the other event I enjoyed the most volunteering at was the Kaiser Half Marathon. I was assigned to the post race area of the marathon and I had the task of passing bananas out to the runners. I'll never forget that time when the other volunteers and I made a banana tower while we were waiting for the runners to arrive.

How has your experience been working with HIM? Working with Heart in Motion has been overall an incredible experience. I have been able to learn so many new things and experience new things. I also got to meet lots of new people from other high schools that I got to know. Volunteering has helped me see things that I never even knew about and it gives me a chance to take part in something I love.

Who is your biggest role model?

I would say that my biggest role model would be my sister, Marcy. I would consider her as role model to me because she would always be positive. She would also remind me that I should be studying hard and know my limits. She reminds me to study hard because she always got the best grades in everything. I would always talk to my sister whenever I needed help or someone to talk to. Although we may fight once and a while we will always be brother and sister.

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