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Intern Spotlight

Tiffany Wong

Spring 2017 Intern


Class of 2019

List the three things you would bring with you onto a deserted island and why.

1) A book or something to read. I'm assuming that I won't have electricity or wifi on the island, so that just obliterated like 90% of my entertainment lol. So to entertain myself, I would probably bring a book, maybe a survival book. 2) I would bring matches or a lighter to start a fire, since I'm afraid of the dark XD. Can't have any monsters creeping up on me. 3) I would bring a blanket or sleeping bag, something to keep me warm. I could also bring my dog. She'd keep me warm and keep me company.

What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?

I feel like people think I look unapproachable and don't want to talk to them. I do admit that sometimes I can look a little scary XD, but I do want to talk to people and get to know them. I'm a little shy, so I don't usually approach people, but I just want people to I would that I'm not scary!! Come talk to me!

What is one of your favorite memories or events from HIM?

My favorite part is when the runners and people thank you for volunteering. There's just something about the sincerity in their voice when they say it, and how they thank you for something as simple as volunteering. It just makes me really happy, and makes up for the bad.

How has your experience been working with HIM?

My experience has been mostly positive. With other volunteer groups, I found that they're not as organized as HIM. HIM has their stuff down XD. Also, since HIM has so many members, I've gotten to meet so many people from Lowell HS and other schools that I wouldn't have been able to meet otherwise.

Who inspires you to be the person you are today?

I think my mom is my inspiration. It might sound cliche, but really she is. She's worked hard for my brother and me to be able to have a good life, and I just admire her determination, and the never ending love she shows the family. She always puts herself last, and I feel guilty, but I also want be able to do that for her and my family in the future. She teaches me to be kind, hardworking, and selfless, just by being the mom she is.

What kind of music do you listen to? Any favorite artists?

KPOP KPOP KPOP KPOP KPOP KPOP KPOP KPOP KPOP. And occasionally some western pop music, but mostly KPOP KPOP KPOP. The band I listen to usually shifts every few weeks, but I will always stay true to my baes: Bigbang and EXO. ( love you sehun)

What kind of food do you like to eat? Why?

I've been craving hamburgers lately, especially In-N-Out. It's just so good! I also like eggs and potatoes and apples. Those are probably my three favorite foods. Eggs can be made in so many different ways, and same for potatoes, French fries y'know.

If you could live in only one city for the rest of your life, where would you live? Why?

Probably SF honestly. San Francisco is just so accepting of all cultures and backgrounds, it's amazing. Also, it's pretty small, so I'd be able to navigate (I get lost really easily, and I can't navigate at all). Also, the weather is perfect for me. It's not exactly cold or hot, it's just... foggy.

How has HIM affected your life so far?

HIM has allowed me to give back to my community, and through that I feel like I've become a better person. I used to just sit on my butt and do the bare minimum, but now that I see that helping others really does make me feel good and that just being kind goes a long way, I've started trying to do more good deeds. HIM has also helped me grow as a leader, and helped me become more organized.

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