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Intern Spotlight

Alexandra Soo


Raoul Wallenberg

Class of 2019

What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?

I feel like people always think that I'm outgoing (in the beginning I usually am), but I am actually very shy. In reality, I'm just scared of meeting new people and I sort of panic and give them a first impression that doesn't really reflect who I really am. I do tend to be chatty over text but in person I'm socially awkward and I cringe at myself sometimes.

How has your experience been working with HIM?

I joined HIM in 6th grade shortly after when I had to complete volunteer hours for middle school. After that day, my mom and I bumped into a group of HIM members at the Food Bank. After that, my mom has made me go through numerous events to understand why it's so important to volunteer and help out the community. Since then, I've been an active member of HIM and through that, I've won a volunteering award because of my essay describing my experiences with HIM. I feel like HIM has impacted my life physically, emotionally, and socially on an astounding level and it's made me feel more positive on my outlook of giving back to our community that we live in.

What kind of food do you like to eat? Why?

I like to eat 水蛋. (or steamed egg) It's like a savory egg jello, (it doesn't sound appetizing but I promise you it tastes good😊) it's flavored with chicken broth and soy sauce. I personally just like eating it because it's very light and it's easy to make.

What is your favorite part of volunteering?

My favorite part of volunteering is knowing that I'm not doing it alone. As I said before, I'm socially awkward at times and don't know how to engage in a proper conversation because I'm pretty shy, so whenever I volunteer with HIM, I feel happier and safe, knowing that I'm not volunteering alone or I'm on my own because there are others with me. It makes me happier being in a volunteer group and it also allows me to get to meet other HIM members.

What kind of music do you listen to? Any favorite artists?

I like to listen to songs from 2008-2012, I don't know why, but I thought it was a great era of music. My favorite current artist/band is BTS. Their songs are based off of society stereotypes for students in Korea. It's really inspiring to know that their songs address issues that Korean students struggle with in school or pressures by their parents to be someone that they don't necessarily want to be. It makes me happy knowing that they're recognized for their talent, good songs, and the issues they are addressing to others around the world.

What is one of your favorite memories or events from HIM?

One of my favorite memories from HIM was the Ghirardelli Hot Chocolate Festival. I get to volunteer at different stands every year, which made me realize how much the workers are passionate about their jobs and letting others know about it. I felt that this was a good event to volunteer at because it was sort of an all-day event so I got to walk around and volunteer at the same time. ALSO, at the end Ms. Dy would award us with Ghirardelli stamps and we'd get free samples of chocolates to take home and that was pretty cool!

If you could live in only one city for the rest of your life, where would you live? Why?

I'd personally move back to Vallejo. I used to hang out with my old friends there. We always had so many great memories together, so I wouldn't mind going back to catch up and relive the old memories I used to have with them.

How has HIM affected your life so far?

HIM has helped me a lot in a positive way. Overtime, it has helped me mature and in my confidence to talk with others and help others join or give them an idea about HIM. Since then, I have won a volunteering service award and it allowed me to focus and work more diligently in school. This has led me to join this year's internship program to step up as an officer and to help others grow in HIM.

List the three things you would bring with you onto a deserted island and why.

I'd bring a stove, sunscreen, and solar panels. Sunscreen would help protect me from harmful UV rays and skin cancer. Solar panels would collect energy for me and I would use that to power my stove to cook my food.

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