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Officer Spotlight

Cindy Leung

Membership Program Manager


Class of 2019

List the three things you would bring with you onto a deserted island and why.

First, I would bring one of my big, fluffy stuff animals because I'll be lonely on the island. I need something to hug and sleep with at night. Second, I would bring a bathing suit. Since there's nothing to do there, I would go swimming. Why not take advantage of the water and a sunny day?? Third, I would bring a book to read. It's one of my favorite hobbies. I would probably bring a Percy Jackson book by Rick Riordan because they are awesome!! So good.

What is one of your favorite memories or events from HIM?

One of my favorite events from HIM is the Hot Chocolate Run. It was really messy and chocolate was everywhere. (hehe I love chocolate) In my opinion, it was really fun working with chocolate. That day was really hectic too. A bunch of runners started coming all the sudden and we had to work really fast. The only bad part was that it was raining that day.

What is your favorite part of volunteering?

My favorite part of volunteering is hanging out with my friends. I'm really busy during the weekdays because of TESTS and HOMEWORK so I don't see them often. I don't even have time to talk to them. :(

What kind of music do you listen to? Any favorite artists?

I listen to any music on 99.7. Usually, they have the latest music and songs. I don't really have a favorite artist because there's a lot of artists that I listen to. I'm just not really into songs with a lot of rap in it. I also like the songs in Korean dramas. So good!!

What kind of food do you like to eat? Why?

I LOVE FOOD. I like anything except fish and pineapple. For seafood, I especially like lobster. I love fruits too. It's like the only healthy food I like. Whenever I try to go on a diet, it only lasts for a few hours. I love cake and macarons. You can bribe me with anything sweet!

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