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Officer Spotlight

Ivy Lee Hung

Events Program Manager


Class of 2020

If time travel was possible, what year would you travel to?

If I could travel in time, I would travel 20 years into the future in order to take a peek at what my life will be like then. I want to know about my financial situation, and the career path I will take. Traveling into the future, I would also explore all the new technology and types of entertainment. I would walk through the streets trying to meet the people of the future and simply talk to them about life and their stories. In order to take advantage of the situation, I would look for the most successful companies and invest all my money into them once I got back to the present.

If you has the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be?

Having the power to transform the world, I would end poverty and world hunger. Even in days of such advanced technology and freedom, there are still people starving and struggling to find shelter all around the world. Because some individuals here in the U.S. and other flourishing communities receive everything they need, ignorance is created and they forget about all other people suffering in other areas of the world. They may assume that because they themselves have everything they are in need of, then everyone else does too. It is nearly impossible to snap one's finger and make everyone's hunger disappear. Because of that, my change to the world would be to make everyone aware of the problems people around the world face, and have everyone help each other when we each need it.

What is one of your favorite memories or events from HIM?

My favorite memory was at one of the SF Marathon Expos, it was a total surprise I would have that much fun. I first decided to volunteer for this event alone, so I wasn't expecting a lot from it. As I arrived at the meeting location, I was freezing and couldn't wait until the eight hours of volunteering were over. As I waited for the shift to start, I saw one of my friends arrive. At that moment, I knew it was not going to be so boring after all. Because we had a very short line for Packet Pickup, I enjoyed speaking and having fun with my friend. I also met a woman who was nice enough to speak to me about her marathon experience as we volunteered.

What is your favorite part of volunteering?What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in your life?

While volunteering, my favorite part is the beginning. Every time, I look forward to seeing my favorite people in the world, Jessica Zhang, and Nicole Jang. As soon as I see their beautiful faces, I know it's going to be a great day. Another reason why I like the beginning of events is because that is the time I have the most energy and I know I will treat the people we are serving, great. Near the middle and end, events tend to become more mellow, so I try very hard to make sure I stay on task and treat others kindly with respect.

How has HIM affected your life so far?

Being part of HIM has taught me and enhanced so many of my skills. I have learned how to take charge and also work with others as a team in order to succeed. One of the problems I used to have was that I was extremely shy. Joining Heart in Motion with people that really showed me I could be whatever I want to be in front of others, allowed me to step out of my shell and be more open towards others. I'm now a lot more comfortable speaking to strangers and I'm not afraid to stand out and be myself.

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