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Officer Spotlight

Kimberly Chang

Intern Program Manager


Class of 2020

If time travel was possible, what year would you travel to?

2050, I will hopefully have a secure job and family, and technology will be more advanced

If you has the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be?

Everyone would be able to have clean water to drink, food to eat, and a place to live

What is one of your favorite memories or events from HIM?

My last event was at Mermaid Run, and I went with my friend Jackie hoping to talk to more people and make more friends, and we did. It was a great time because we were all together for about 6 hours just enjoying ourselves while volunteering. I also got to talk more with Ms. Dy, and it was just really enjoyable.

What is your favorite part of volunteering?

I like that we can help out the community because we’re sorta the backbone of races; without HIM the events people would have to hire dedicated people that are willing to wake up early and volunteer their weekends. I also like meeting new people and making new memories with friends.

How has your experience been working with HIM?

It’s been really fun, I’ve learned a lot from being on a team of volunteers and leadership.

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in your life?

I try to always follow the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated.

What is your favorite TV show and character?

I have a couple lol: One Tree Hill- Lucas; Teen Wolf- Dylan O'Brien; Riverdale- Cole Sprouse; and Flash- Grant Gustin

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?

Probably phó, it’s really good and there’s different kinds

What is one of your favorite childhood memories?

When I was younger, my family and I would go ice skating during the holidays, and it would be really enjoyable because everyone would fall and have a good laugh about it. After we finished, we’d grab a cup of hot chocolate and watch a movie at the theaters.

How has HIM affected your life so far?​

HIM has taught me how to be a team player, and that an organization is a “we” effort. I’ve learned how to work with people and make new friends. It has taught me a lot of valuable skills that I can use in the future.

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