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Intern Spotlight

Christina Hsieh

Winter 2018 Intern

Lowell High School

Class of 2021

If you could live in only one city for the rest of your life, where would you live? Why?

One city that I would want to live for the rest of my life is San Francisco. The main reason is that I grew up here, this is where most of my memories with my family, schools, and people are. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else because San Francisco wasn't the only place I have memories of but it is also the place where my family grew together. This city to me is not only where there are many hills and the golden gat bridge but a place where my whole life started.

Who inspires you to be the person you are today?

Out of all people i think the person that inspires me the most is my mom. She is a person that doesn't only support me but teaches me everything that i need to know. I wouldn't want to pick anyone else other than her because in the future she is the the person that i want to become.

Who inspires you to be the person you are today?

Out of all people i think the person that inspires me the most is my mom. She is a person that doesn't only support me but teaches me everything that i need to know. I wouldn't want to pick anyone else other than her because in the future she is the the person that i want to become.

What is the one thing people misunderstand about you?

A misunderstanding about me is that people think that i am always hard working. That is not really true, i mean sometimes i try a lot but most of the time i sleep. I spend more time day dreaming then doing the tings that needs to be done. So yup i sleep and day dream more than i study.

What are some big challenges you had to overcome? How did you overcome these challenges?

Over the years i had to overcome many challenges, one of the many challenges was to stay focused and on track. This was a challenge to me because i wouldn’t really have any focus on studying and school. Instead i overcame that by having me parents help me staying on track of everything from archery, school, and extra activities.

Beside necessities, what is the one thing you cannot live one day without?

One thing in the whole entire world that i cant live with out is archery. It is not only the sport of it but it is the feeling. When doing archery i can feel focused and it just makes my mind clear. Doing this sport is almost like therapy for me because it brings me to a place in my mind when there is no distractions or any one to judge me, but only the focus of standing on the shooting line and feeling of the release of the string.

What is your favorite movie of all time?

Since watching movies is a hobby of mine, i cant really pick. But if I were to watch one movie for the rest of my life it would be a romance movie called “Me Before You”. Yes, it is really cheesy like the notebook but it is a heart breaking movie and plus it was my first movie that i cried about with my mom. I would really recommend watching this on a rainy day at home.

Where do you see yourself in the future? Jobs? Dreams?

I am not really sure what will happen in my future but i want to see myself trying more in school and hope that high school will fly by. One dream that i have after high school is doing something in the medical field so that i can help people around me also i really like the study of medicine. But i really want to focus on the present right now.

How has HIM affected your life so far?

HIM did not only affect my life but also my personality. It has done a big deal with my life because i have learned that helping others doesn't only help with hours for school but it teaches me that during my time helping i am actually helping my community even though it’s not a lot that I do, I feel like I did as much as I can. It has also helped my come out more for my personality because I wasn’t as social with meeting with new people but when I am in a group it lets me come out and talk with others around the same community as me.

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