Officer Spotlight
Jadan Lee
Events Program Manager
Class of 2021
If time travel was possible, what year would you travel to?
If time travel was possible I would go to the year 2035 becasue hopefully by then I would have established a family and get a good job.
If you has the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be?
If I had the power to change the world I would make it so there would be no homeless on the streets and everyone would have access to a house and food/water.
What is one of your favorite memories or events from HIM?
One of my most favorite memories from HIM is when I went to my first event which was Hot Chocolate run of 2017. I had a group of friends with me and we just had a really enjoyable day passing out chocolate mugs to the runners. Later on I was also approached by Ms. Dy who wanted me and my group of friends to join internship.
What is your favorite part of volunteering?
My favorite part of volunteering is helping the city out and doing community service. I have realized without kids like us who volunteer for things like race events they would have to hire people to do and that would be a lot of work.
How has your experience been working with HIM?
Working with HIM has been a very fun experience. I got to learn a lot about how a team works together and how things get accomplished.
What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in your life?
The most valuable lesson I have learned in my life is to Believe in yourself, intuition, and vision. If it wasn't for myself believing I could do something I would never be able to do anything in life.
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?
If there was one food I would eat for the rest of my like it would be Pho. I grew up eating it from as a young kid till now and it still remains to be my most favorite food to eat.
What is one of your favorite childhood memories?
One of my most favorite childhood memories was the first time I knew how to ride a bike. It was life changing I started out with the baby bike with training wheels and slowly they got removed and now biking is a really good skill to have that I didn't think would be that important.
How has HIM affected your life so far?​
HIM has taught me a lot of things. The main one is leadership skills. I originally started volunteering with HIM to get hours and do community service for the city. Later on when I found out about the internship program I joined it and now I know how being a leader feels like.