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Intern Spotlight

Ivan Kuang

Summer 2018 Intern


Class of 2021

If you could live in only one city for the rest of your life, where would you live? Why?

If I could choose to live in one city for the rest of my life, I would choose San Francisco. I would choose S.F because it is cold here and my body can't really take the heat so living in a cold environment would be pretty nice. Also most of my family has moved either here or close to S.F so I wouldn't want to go anywhere that would separate me from my family. Lastly I wouldn't want to leave my friends behind since I do care about them and leaving them would make me want to come back so no point moving out.

Who inspires you to be the person you are today?

My uncle inspired me to be who I am today since he was the one who inspired me to start volunteering and helping out people. When I first saw him helping out others, it was heartwarming to see people thanking him for what he did and that inspired me to start volunteering too. He also taught me many things and showed me the feeling of having someone thank you for volunteering and helping them out which really made me feel warm on the inside. If it wasn't for him I don't even know where I would be since he was the one who inspired me to join heart in motion and join internship to start helping out more and more people.

List the three things you would bring with you onto a deserted island and why.

The three things I would bring are a tent, machete, and a bucket of water. If I was actually going to be stuck on an island these would be the things I bring since it is the basic survival gear and there would be no chance of going home without these things. For starters I watch a bunch of random videos and one video I watched was the basics for survival so that's why I found out that the last 2, machete and bucket of water would be really useful in survival and a tent is for my personal issues of not getting dirty. These items would give me the best chance of escaping the island since it is resourceful and isn't a one time use so I can have it help me over and over again.

What is the one thing people misunderstand about you?

The one thing people misunderstand about me is the fact that i am apparently a really scary person. I'm pretty sure it's just because I walk quietly and swiftly like i'm trying to kill someone but that's just how I walk since I am the type to try and get to class as fast as possible. Another reason would probably be that I think and speak of dark and scary things like it's nothing which is just because I don't find it that frightening compared to other people. Don't worry people I'm not scary I just have issues, I'm actually nice ok-.-.

What are some big challenges you had to overcome? How did you overcome these challenges?

The first and biggest challenge I had to overcome was the challenge of not giving up. In Lowell when I saw that I wasn't accepted into the badminton team, I just lost all hope and faith since I thought I'm not good I should just quit. To overcome this challenge I got help from my uncle who gave me hope and encouraged me to keep trying and don't give up which really brought my spirit back up and that's partly why he has shaped me into the person I am today. With his help I was able to find my passion and continued to play badminton until the next tryout comes next year.

Beside necessities, what is the one thing you cannot live one day without?

The one thing I couldn't live without is my computer because it can do so many different things for me that if I didn't have it (and of course the necessities to power it on and use it properly) I would've been so bored and blind of the outside world. I also really like to watch videos and play games so that's my go to electronic to use when playing games. It is also how I contact people including heart in motion so of course I would be doomed without it. Lastly it is also where I ask for help because Lowell homework is way too hard

What is your favorite movie of all time?

I haven't watched any movies that I was willing to watch and enjoyed so can't answer this one

What do you think of HIM Internship Program?

I think the HIM internship program is a really well organized organization since it keeps the cycle of having officers to look out for members and keep them on track during volunteering events. It is also a good stepping stone into helping students become more assertive and develop the understanding of being in charge and guiding others to succeeding in volunteering. This program also preps students in public speaking and organization since it is what you need to have during internship. In all this program is easy to follow and very helpful for future plans and learning developments.

How has HIM affected your life so far?

HIM has affected my life by prepping me for the future of public speaking. It has also allowed me and given me the opportunity to speak to other people and develop my interaction skills. HIM has also given me a place to open up and start learning how to conquer my stage fright with other people and allow me to use them as a pillar to rest on and lean to when needing help. This organization also gave me an excuse to leave the house since my mom wants me to volunteer and become useful so being here is like completing my mom's tasks and seeing her praise me when I do so is really heartwarming. In the end heart in motion has really given me knowledge about what I was lacking which was mostly public speaking.

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