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Volunteer Spotlight

Marco Tinoco


El Camino

Class of 2019

If time travel was possible, what year would you travel to?

Well, if I could go back in time to any year, I would travel back to 300 AD and try to prevent the library of Alexandria from burning down so that the human race could advance more quickly.

If you had the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be?​

If there was anything in the world that I could change, it would be to end world hunger.

What is your favorite TV show and character?

My favorite TV show is Chowder and my favorite character is schnitzel.

What is one of your favorite childhood memories?

One of my favorite childhood memories is the first time my two dogs played with each other. When we got the second dog the first one ignored him, until one day in the back yard the younger one, Tobey, started chasing the older one, Beanie, around the yard.

What was it like to volunteer with Heart in Motion for the first time?

I have to say that volunteering with HIM for the first time was very exciting, as there was a lot of things I did that were completely new to me.

Which events are you excited to volunteer for in the future?

I'm excited for the Hot Chocolate event because as my friend told me, I could be getting some hot chocolate.

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