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Intern Spotlight

Eric Yu

Fall '18 Intern


Class of 2021

If you could live in only one city for the rest of your life, where would you live? Why?

I would go back to China, and live there with my entire family because I love my home and I love my family back in China, even though we might not be rich or anything, but being there makes me happy.

Who inspires you to be the person you are today?

I try to be myself and follow my own path, inspiration does not help you live your life, you gotta make your own choices and follow through with your passion and dreams. So I am basically my own inspiration, of course there are always some times that I look up to someone, but they don't inspire me to live my own life.

List the three things you would bring with you onto a deserted island and why.

I would bring a machete or some kind of big knife for hunting and chopping wood so I can eat and build shelter. Then I would also bring a long lasting water filter to get clean water to drink, wash things and even cook. Lastly I would bring someone who is willing to come with me because I would never want to go on a deserted island by myself and so I need someone to be there with me, and we can also help each other survive.

What is the one thing people misunderstand about you?

I really don't know what other people misunderstand about me, and I don't really care, unless it is like affecting every single person around me in a negative way. So even if people don't like me, haters are going to hate, and I don't care about those stupid people.

What are some big challenges you had to overcome? How did you overcome these challenges?

One big challenge was coming to the US, and having to adapt to the American life. When I first got here, there was a big language barrier so it was really hard living here. Then going to school and learning english was also a big challenge because I had to meet new friends and communicate with my teacher even though I didn't know any English. I really appreciate my second grade teacher because she stayed after school everyday to teach my english step by step.

Beside necessities, what is the one thing you cannot live one day without?

I can't live without drama or TV shows because they give entertainment. I am so in love with watching drama because it makes me relaxed and I can feel the emotions that the actors express in the acts.

What is your favorite movie of all time?

I don't have a favorite movie because I watch something and I think that it is a very good movie that day, then after a while I forget about it. Also I've watched so many movies that I don't even remember them.

What do you think of HIM Internship Program?

It is a fun program to be apart of because I met new friends and it makes me feel very professional and grown up because I think this program will improve my communication skills and prepare me for the future.

How has HIM affected your life so far?

I only joined HIM about a month ago, so there hasn't been much big effect on my life, but I met new people, which is a good thing. I wish that it will improve my leadership skills and make me ready for future things.

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