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Officer Spotlight

Kailey Solorzano

Membership Program Manager

El Camino High School

Class of 2020

What superpower do you wish you had?

I wish I had the super power to be invisible because I would see the world from a different perspective. If I were to be invisible, I'd travel around the world for free, and become a self tourist so I could venture out to forbidden places. I'd also scare people when they are least expecting it, since I get scared easily. By being invisible, I'd also be able to camouflage with my surroundings so I could escape awkward social situations, since I have social anxiety.

What motivates you the most?

The people in my life motivate me the most (shoutout to all El Camino HIM members) because they persuade me to try new things. Individually, they each motivate me in their own ways: Kelly Fong, who motivated me to join this organization; Michael Wong, who always competes with me to test our skills; Gianna Giudici, who always persuades me to try new things; Victoria Blandon, who motivates me to succeed in my classes; Joann Lee, who always gives the best advice and Marco Tinoco, who motivates me to be better at playing Happy Glass. Another thing that motivates me is music because it motivates me to work efficiently and effectively. Specifically new music, because it makes me excited to hear new beats and lyrics.

How important do you think It Is to ‘Build Character’?

I think to 'build character' is important. Building character is essential because it allows one to improve their existing characteristics and skills that are either good or bad. To build character allows a person to develop their most valued and proud characteristics and apply them towards other people to help them build character. Therefore, building character is essential.

What qualities do you admire in other people?

I admire people's honesty, courage, and confidence. Honesty because it takes strength to be honest with others, since lying is an obvious and easier choice to lean on. Courage because it inspires me, since I myself lack courage sometimes. Confidence because it's difficult to achieve and maintain, and those who can achieve it, inspires me to be like them.

How do you want to be remembered?

I want to be remembered for my creativity and honesty. I'd like to be known for my creativity in school projects, art, and my own little diy projects. I'd like to be known for honesty because I try my hardest to tell people the hardest truth, even if it hurts them. Through this, I hope to be remembered this way.

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in your life?

The most valuable lesson I've learned is to not worry about other people's opinions, and only worry about my own. Throughout my life, I've had moments where I've been insecure about my physical appearance, and about my style. But throughout my life, I've learned how to value my own opinions over others, and become with confidence. I've learned that I am individually unique, and I should be myself.

What is your favorite TV show and character?

My favorite TV show is the Office because of its delightful humor, and each character's uniqueness. I can't choose a favorite character, but if I had to choose between two, it would be either Jim or Dwight. Their relationship at work is hilarious because they always prank each other, and sometimes compete in friendly competitions. One of my favorite pranks is when Jim takes all of Dwight's office supplies and puts them in the vending machine, leaving Dwight to purchase all his own items.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?

I would eat my mom's fried rice. I would eat fried rice because my mom creates a great balance between flavors of bbq pork, the vegetables and the rice cooked in chicken broth topped with soy sauce. Although there would be so much carbohydrate consumption, it is a balanced meal because there's vegetables, meat and rice. Also, it's very tasty, and I recommend other people to try it.

What is it like to be part of HIM Leadership Crew?

Being a part of HIM leadership crew is like being a part of a new family. Through this big family, I'm able to meet and work with people from all of the Bay Area, which I never though I'd be able to do. Each person I meet through leadership have always been friendly and helpful towards guiding me on the right path when I am confused. HIM Leadership Crew has also helped me overcome my communication and leadership skills, which has helped me grow as an individual.

How has HIM affected your life so far?

HIM has affected my life so far by improving my communication and leadership skills along with expanding my passion to volunteer. My communication skills have developed because I used to be super shy; however now, I've been open to talking to new people. My leadership skills have developed because I used to be the quiet one, but I've learned to voice my opinion. My passion to volunteer has expanded because I've volunteered for so many events that I've never dreamed of doing.

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