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Intern Spotlight

Isabelle Lau

Fall 2018 Intern

Lowell High School

Class of 2022

If you could live in only one city for the rest of your life, where would you live? Why?

If I could live in one city my entire life it would probably be somewhere in Oregon, because the land their will be cheaper and I will have more space for (hopefully) some animals and horses. I've always loved animals and horses, so to have my own farm would be wonderful. Oregon is also not unknown to the world, so I would still have shops and malls and stuff that I might miss in San Francisco. Also, if I live in Oregon, I'll be pretty close to home so I can visit my family often.

Who inspires you to be the person you are today?

My family inspires me to be the person I am today. My parents take us traveling a lot, and everytime we go traveling, I feel like we get closer. My family is pretty close, and I feel like they're all my best friends along with being my family. That support that my family gives me drives me to think about everything with happiness, because I know my family at home will always have my back.

List the three things you would bring with you onto a deserted island and why.

Assuming that all my necessities for me to survive are on the island, these are the three things I would bring. First thing I would bring to a deserted island is a TV, because I want to still be able to know what's going on in the news and for entertainment purposes too. The second thing I would bring is a dog, for company and a lifetime of loyalty on the deserted island. The third thing I would bring is scuba diving gear, so I can explore the ocean around me.

What is the one thing people misunderstand about you?

I think one thing people misunderstand about me is that I'm shy. I'm not shy, it's just that if I get the feeling that you don't want me to talk to you, I won't. But if you make the effort to try to make me feel included, I can talk to you pretty easily. All my close friends would not describe me as shy at all, but possibly people I'm not close with will describe me as shy.

What are some big challenges you had to overcome? How did you overcome these challenges?


Beside necessities, what is the one thing you cannot live one day without?


What is your favorite movie of all time?


What do you think of HIM Internship Program?


How has HIM affected your life so far?


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