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Intern Spotlight

Kurt Von Giese

Winter 2019 Intern

El Camino Class of 2020

What website do you visit most often?

I often visit either YouTube for watching National Geographic, Cat videos, and listening to music and google docs for making letters and poems when I have free time,

Who inspires you to be the person you are today?

My Family who always remind me to study well and strive for the best, My friends who make me laugh when I am down, But Two of them really inspire me the most, one of them told me " Ya know what Aiko, life can be tough and the situation can be rough but we all need to deal with it, because, in the end, we will all succeed. Just be happy and put a smile on your face even if you are facing the worst storm of your life. Believe in yourself for nothing is impossible in the worlds of our, even magic would be possible"-Xandria Regala. And Victoria Blandon who helps me in my AP US History class, and helps me with my grammar when it doesn't make sense, Victoria is also a good person to ask advice academically and in real situations. The way they inspire me in just simple indescribable

Where would you spend all your time if you could?

I would spend all my time with my friend and family enjoying life and being happy.

What is the one thing people misunderstand about you?

Well, some people misunderstood and mispronounce my last name because they wonder if I'm German since I do look like a full-on Filipino. Also, I don't speak German ( I would love to learn it though ), and My last name is Von Giese If you're wondering, the Giese is pronounced "Geese" by the way

What would you do if you knew you were going to die in one hour?

If I know I'm going to die in an hour I would spend it with my family and contact my friends. But In the remaining 20 minutes, I would go to the most precious person to me and spend it with her until my last dying breath and tell her what I truly felt during all those time I'm with her.

Beside necessities, what is the one thing you cannot live one day without?

I could not last a day not talking to my friends. I'mm an extrovert at some point and I do really like socializing you know.

If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what rule would you make?

No one shall be left behind, we will all move forward even if our pace is slower than a Turtle. I mean I use this rule to myself when I'm working in groups because team works make the task easy!

What motivates you to wake up early to volunteer for a Charity Run?

The excitement of working with my friends early in the morning and being really productive, and socializing with people that early in the morning too!!

How has HIM affected your life so far?

HIM, made me think the idea of volunteering is fun and beneficial for both society and myself. First, the society will gain a person who is willing to give a helping hand no matter what the situation is. And second, it will sharpen my communication skills and the ability to adapt to change when needed

What do you think of HIM Internship Program?

Its a great experience acquiring new skills that this program teaches, it really helpful academically and personally as well!

If life is a game, like some people say, what are some of the rules?

Hmm, A very interesting question. But here are my rules anyways #1. Nothing is Impossible, even the most ridiculous idea would work. #2. All deeds whether good or bad shall be played with games instead and all violence are Forbidden. This rule is inspired from No Game No life.

What do you want to be remembered for?

I don't honestly know but I would say, I would like to be remembered as what people remember me when I spent time with them and the memories and bonds that were either created or destroyed, surpassing the struggles and accomplishing short and long term goals.

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