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Intern Spotlight

Bernice Lau

Winter 2019 Intern

Lowell Class of 2022

What website do you visit most often?

I probably visit my gmail page most often because I find that most of my teachers in school post things on google-related sites such as google classroom or google docs. Every time something new is posted, I get an email notification about it through gmail. Therefore, checking my emails often ensures that I never miss any important assignments or deadlines. Also, checking my emails often allows me to respond to them a lot quicker, which is a sign of respect to the other person.

Who inspires you to be the person you are today?

My aunt inspires me to be the person I am today because she is a very kind, generous, and intelligent person. For example, every time I run into a problem, she’s always there to walk me through it and to give me advice on how I should handle a particular situation. She also takes me to church every week so that I can form lifelong friendships with others, as well as continue to spread the Gospel. I aspire to be as successful as her one day, not only by having a financially stable job that makes me happy, but also by becoming as warm-hearted as her.

Where would you spend all your time if you could?

If I could spend all my time, I would likely stay home in my room. Sure, it sounds really basic, but I consider my room as my safe space. I feel like my room is the one place that I can do whatever I want, without having to worry about what others think of me. Also, my chargers (for my phone and laptop) are in my room so I should be able to last quite a bit, as long as the WiFi reception is working.

What is the one thing people misunderstand about you?

One thing that people often misunderstand about me is that they think I don’t like them for some reason. However, that definitely isn’t the case. I am a naturally shy, introverted person, but once you get to know me, I can be loud. Very loud. It just takes some getting used to and a lot of trust before I let that side of me show.

What would you do if you knew you were going to die in one hour?

If I was going to die in one hour, I would write a short letter or note to all my family members and friends so that they have a physical memory of me to hold on to when I’m gone. The messages would be personalized for each person and include specific examples and stories of how much they really mean to me. Afterwards, I’d play with my puppy, Pluto, and eat all the chocolate I want. Lastly, I’d go sleep in my bed and await death because my bed is super comfortable and that’s probably where I’d want to die.

Beside necessities, what is the one thing you cannot live one day without?

I cannot live a day without my phone because texting is one of my main sources of communication and socialization, especially when I’m away from my friends. Without my phone, I wouldn’t be able to talk to them outside of school, which would make me very depressed. Also, my phone has games that I like to play in my free time, so without it, I would be really bored all day. Another reason why I can’t live a day without my phone is because I wouldn’t be able to check my emails or grades unless I found another electronic device. Therefore, I wouldn’t be able to keep up with my school work for the day, which is very inconvenient because then I’d be behind schedule, which would then lead to procrastination.

If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what rule would you make?

If I could make one rule that everyone had to follow, it would be a rule stating that there should be equal representation of genders, ethnicity, cultural backgrounds, and all other factors that make up ones identity in the media. From early on, kids watch television shows where a certain group of people are depicted as having a certain role. For example, the fact that men are more often shown as having STEM occupations than women. This repetition can change a child’s perception of how things in society should be like, as well as cause them to subconsciously limit the options to what they could become in the future. With equal representation in the media, all children would be able to have an equal opportunity to pursue the things that they are passionate about. Even though the financial aspect of this can lead to inequality, many successful people in the industries today are self made, showing that despite the difficulties of having disadvantages, your future is ultimately up to you and the choices you make in life.

What motivates you to wake up early to volunteer for a Charity Run?

A lot of my motivation comes from the runners themselves. They wake up super early in the morning just to run a race and do some hardcore exercise. That takes some serious motivation to do, as I can barely get out of bed every morning on a daily basis. Therefore, every time I go to volunteer at a Charity Run, I think to myself, “If others are doing all of this, why shouldn’t I be at least helping them out?”

How has HIM affected your life so far?

HIM has taught me the values of leadership and volunteering. At the beginning of the shift at my first event, which was the Giant Race, I felt so alone because I didn’t have any friends with me at the time. However, once I saw the runners coming to check in, I was surprised with the amount of people who came to support a cause. I felt overjoyed to be helping out and checking people in for the race to get them ready for the big day ahead. In addition to volunteering experiences, being a part of leadership is very rewarding because you get to be a part of all the behind the scenes action. Although the training is a little time consuming, it has ultimately allowed me to improve my time management and organizational skills.

What do you think of HIM Internship Program?

The internship program is great! Through this program, I’ve met so many people from different high schools. What makes this community special is the amount of determination that everyone has for volunteering. Everyone in the program is always so dedicated in helping others and I am very grateful to be a part of it.

If life is a game, like some people say, what are some of the rules?

If life is a game, some of the rules would be that it isn’t fair, and that no one person is ever going to be the sole winner of the game. This is because there will always be hardships for every person, so no one is ever going to come out on top every single time. You learn by making mistakes, and if you don’t make mistakes, you can’t learn. This is like saying that if you don’t know what it’s like to lose, then you’ll never know what it’s like to truly win. Another rule is that the game is about perseverance. If you give up and choose to end the game once you encounter a difficult situation, you’re done. However, if you choose to fight through the hardships and make the best out of the situation, you still have a chance at making it farther into the game. How far you get depends on your perseverance and willingness to succeed in the future.

What do you want to be remembered for?

I want to be remembered as being an intelligent woman who was a successful engineer and programmer. Ever since I was little, I was told to work in the medical field. However, engineering and programming were the topics that sparked my interest. I’d like to be remembered for defying the standards and following my own path instead of letting others tell me how I should live my life.

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