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Officer Spotlight

Justine Bulaong

Internship Senior Coordinator


Class of 2021

If you became invisible for 10 minutes RIGHT NOW, what things would you do?

If I was invisible for 10 minutes right now, I would just take a walk around my neighborhood and relax at a park near my home. Although that I don’t really often walk around my neighborhood, it’s something that I really enjoy to do. Relaxing at that park gives me those nostalgic feelings, and I want to be able to relive my childhood memories before I move out for college. This month has been really difficult and stressful with stuff I had to deal with, so it would be nice just to walk around and relax.

What motivates you the most?

What motivates me the most are my friends, whether it’s the old ones, new ones, internet ones, or in real ones. Each of my friends has taught me a lesson that I’ll never forget, and inspires me to use those lessons for the future. Whenever I have a shoulder to cry on, need help on, or need someone to talk to, I would rely on my friends. I could name a million more reasons on why my friends motivate me, and I’m thankful for that! I’m also glad that I can be able to help and support my friends, and they also offer that to me. Without my friends, I wouldn’t know on what to do with my life.

How important do you think It Is to ‘Build Character’?

I think it’s REALLY important to have character development into your life. I’ve seen so many people change from their past selves because of the life lessons they have, and you could also change yourself! Whether it’s something that you regret doing, struggling with, or the mistakes you have, you can turn them into lessons, and just be able to put them into yourself, and your personality. It’s never too late to build character, and you can do them right now.

What is your current HIM position and what are your responsibilities in that position?

My current HiM position is Internship Senior Coordinator. In this position, it gives me a chance to help out HiM’s interns, and I really want to use that chance as a way to saying thank you to those that helped me during my internship in Heart in Motion. I help out by teaching them lessons about what will happen in Heart in Motion’s leadership program, and making sure it goes smoothly! I also help out by monitoring lessons, and helping out an individual whenever someone needs it.

How do you want to be remembered?

I want to be remembered as someone that is able to express themselves. I really love to express myself through my personality, interests, and stuff. However, some people may not like me because of a few parts, and that can really suck. Despite that it really sucks, it’s fun to express yourself, and just not worry about others!

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in your life?

Like I said, this month has been difficult with stuff, there was also an event that really affected me. That event has helped me learn some valuable lessons. I’ve learned that it’s okay to feel on what you are experiencing right now, and life will eventually get better. I thought that it was the end of the world when I did something that has caused this event, but eventually, as time it went on, life was slowly getting better from talking to friends and family about that event. Without this event, I wouldn’t have been able to learn those lessons. I’m thankful that I learned those lessons because without them, I wouldn’t know on what to do.

What is your favorite TV show and character?

I don’t really watch TV. There’s two TV shows that I really liked watching, and they are Ao Haru Ride and Violet Evergarden. They’re both anime shows that are romantic, and emotional. I really liked watching those shows because I was able to relate to some of the characters, the storyline, and emotional scenes. I would definitely recommend them if you are looking for some anime to watch!

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?

Hoo boy, I’m really a picky eater, so it’s hard to pick one food item that I can be able to eat for the rest of my life. If I did indeed had one food item that I would eat for the rest of my life, it would be just any kind of meat. There are many variety of options and flavors for meat, and that all it matters. Although I have other favorite foods, meat is one of my all time favorite foods.

What is it like to be part of HIM Leadership Crew?

Being part of Heart in Motion’s Leadership Crew is really fun for me. I really get a chance to help out on what’s behind the scenes for Heart in Motion, and meet people from other high schools. Before being part of this leadership program, I’ve never experienced other leadership programs. It’s nice to be around middle and high school students that are also part of this leadership program, and help out behind the scenes!

How has HIM affected your life so far?

I’ve been in Heart in Motion since this summer, and it has really affected my life. Without Heart in Motion, it was one of the reasons on why I got out of my comfort zone! I used to be really shy, and I didn’t like meeting new people, but as time went on, I started slowly to get out of it. I’ve met so many people from outside of Balboa, and some of those people are my friends now. I’m willing to meet more people, and continue making more friends there!

What motivates you to wake up early to volunteer for a Charity Run?

I’m one of those people that don’t really like waking up early. However, volunteering is one of the exceptions that really motivate me to wake up really early. Volunteering is something that I really love to do, and I’m glad it does help me motivate me to wake up early! Volunteering has helped me get out of my comfort zone, met new people from other high/middle schools, and just in general be more responsible with my stuff! Without volunteering, I wouldn’t have something to do over the weekend, asides from staying at home and just playing video games or me being lazy. I also like to keep my promises, and try my best to accomplish them.

What advise can you offer to those thinking of joining the Leadership Program?

I would DEFINITELY recommend it to people that are thinking of joining the leadership program! With this program, you can be able to improve a variety of your skills such as technology, communication, and leadership skills. Not only it will help out with your skills, but you can be able to meet new people from other high schools in Bay Area, and to be able to get out of your comfort zone. You would also be able to volunteer in most of the events that are occurred in Heart in Motion.

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