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Volunteer Spotlight

Jesse Cheung


City College of San Francisco

Class of 2023

If you became invisible for 10 minutes RIGHT NOW, what things would you do?

If I was invisible for 10 minutes right now, I would raid area 51 to see if there is really any aliens.

If you have the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be? Why?

If I had the power to change one thing in the world, I would change climate change because it's a problem that is rapidly changing the earth and could make humankind extinct.

What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend?

My ideal way to spend the weekend would be sleeping until 1 pm and then going outside for an hour and then come back home to binge-watch Netflix t.v shows.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?

If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, I would eat sushi and especially the California rolls.

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in your life?

The most valuable lesson that I have learned was to not procrastinate despite constantly doing it anyways. Procrastination is probably the worst problem that someone can go through because procrastination is so hard to get past.

If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have?

If all the jobs had the same pay and hours, I would become an engineer because it is so much fun building something.

What motivates you to wake up early to volunteer for a Charity Run?

Something that motivates me to wake up early to volunteer for a charity run is doing it with my friends.

Which event did you most look forward to? Did it live up to expectations?

The event that I most look forward to is the Hot Chocolate Run.

How has your experience been working with HIM?

My experience with working with Heart In Motion has been great and I have met a couple of different people.

How has HIM affected your life so far?

Heart In Motion has gave me a way to do something in my mornings that I otherwise wouldn't be doing anyways and have some sort of purpose.

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