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Volunteer Spotlight

Jeffrey Xu


Class of 2023

If you became invisible for 10 minutes RIGHT NOW, what things would you do?

If I could be invisible for 10 minutes right now, I would go outside and walk around in a crowd of people. It will be interesting to try to stay in the crowd with the people never noticing that I was there. I might also randomly whisper into people's ear to see what their reactions are. Will they scream? Will they pretend it never happened? It will be interesting to find out.

If you have the power to change one thing in the world, what would it be? Why?

If I had the power to change one thing in the world, it would be to change the criminal justice system. This is because prison is ineffective and costly; It has been proven that criminals who go to prison have a much higher chance of recommitting a crime compared to rehabilitation. In addition, black people are arrested much more often than white people even when crime rates are the same. If I could change one thing in the world, it would to change the criminal justice system so that people are arrested justly and go through rehabilitation to effectively and humanely learn not to commit a crime again.

What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend?

For me, an ideal way to spend the weekend is to go out to the beach with my friends and enjoy a chill, relaxing day. It would be preferable for the day to be nice and sunny. We would go swimming, build sandcastles, and play Frisbee on the beach. Afterward, we will go get ice cream and a quick bite at a nearby McDonalds or KFC. At the end of the day, we will watch the sunset together and go to one of our houses to watch a movie. This will be an ideal way for me to spend the weekend.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?

If I could eat only one food for the rest of my life, it would be a hearty salad topped off with fruit, meat crumbles, balsamic vinegar, and a slice of sourdough bread. The salad contains fibers, lipids, and proteins from the vegetables and meat crumbles. The slice of bread also provides a suitable amount of carbs. That makes this meal very healthy. But not onlythat, with the right ingredients, it will also be very tasty. In addition, it is hard to get sick of salad, making it an ideal food that I would eat for the rest of my life.

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in your life?

The most valuable lesson I have learned in my life is to always think things through. I have made many poor decisions, some of which I can't change. There are many decisions that I regret even to this day. Whenever I make a decision now, I always think before I do, because sometimes poor decisions really do have a lasting influence over my life.

If all jobs had the same pay and hours, what job would you like to have?

If all jobs had the same pay and hours, I would be a physician. This is an ideal job for me because I am able to work with people and help give them tips on leading a healthy life for them and their family. Not only do I get to possibly prevent the patient from getting dangerous diseases, I also get to build stronger relationships with the people in my community. A physician gets to talk with a patient everyday, making it much more enjoyable than an office job or computer programmer. A physician's duty is not that stressful, which promotes a stable mental state. Finally, being a physician also allows me to lead a healthy lifestyle and help my family do so too.

What motivates you to wake up early to volunteer for a Charity Run?

What motivates me is that I want to help support the runners and the charity. Obesity is an issue in the U.S, and encouraging more people to run helps them to lead a healthy lifestyle and live longer, happier, and self-satisfied lives. In addition, the more runners there are, the more money is given to charities. Many charities are fighting for a good cause, and by waking up early to help volunteer, I hope I can support these charities and help them continue to do what is right.

Which event did you most look forward to? Did it live up to expectations?

The event I looked most forward to is the Hot Chocolate Run, and it definitely lived up to my expectations. It was quite an exciting experience to wake up at 4:45 in the morning, as I had never woken up so early before. It was interesting to see the neighborhood and main streets devoid of people and traffic. At the event, it was fun to build the snack packs and be able to feel what it is for people to work in factories. It was also great because I got to talk with my friends while doing so, ultimately making it an amazing experience. I will for sure do this event next year.

How has your experience been working with HIM?

First off, this has definitely been a new experience for me. It is exciting to serve so many people, making it worth it to wake up early in the mornings. Just being a helping hand to others evokes a feeling a happiness in me, which motivates me to keep on going to the events. Working with HIM has been a blast for me, and I would definitely recommend others to join!

How has HIM affected your life so far?

HIM has affected my life a lot, as I've learned and experienced many things. It has been a blast waking up early and serving the runners in some way. Just by waking up, I got to see SF quiet and empty, which is something I had never seen before. In addition, always being with runners has also inspired me to also exercise more and lead a healthier lifestyle. I will continue working with HIM and definitely enjoy all the experiences I will have with this amazing organization!

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